• Tin Hat Mt hike on the Sunshine Coast Trail

    If you have limited time in the town of Powell River and looking for a solid hike to do, Tin Hat Mountain is a must. It boasts some of the best views on the 180km Sunshine Coast Trail. Easily done as a day hike, there is also a hut near the summit that is free…

  • Blackwater and Sweetwater Creek hike

    Within the Duck Lake trail network of Powell River lies the Blackwater Creek Trail. One of my favourite trails in the network, mainly due to the many waterfalls you pass throughout the rainforest. The hike is great year round, but best during Fall-Spring for waterfall viewing. Here is everything you need to know about the…

  • Appleton Canyon hike

    If you’re in Powell River and looking for waterfalls galore, this hike is a must do. The hike is best from late Fall-Spring when the waterfalls are in their full glory, as they decrease to only a trickle in the summertime (making them great, but pretty cold swimming holes). Located on a section of the…