You’ve finally made it up to the remote Far North Queensland ready to snorkel or dive the Great Barrier Reef, only to discover you’ve got to drop about $200 on this day trip. During my 5 months in Cairns I visited the reef MULTIPLE times, either for free or very cheap. Here are ways how to visit the Great Barrier Reef for free!
1. Be a Hostie
There are multiple tour companies in Cairns that will take on backpackers for a week (or less) of volunteer work. In exchange for working on the boat for free, you also get to dive for free! Some duties include helping in the kitchen, cleaning (toilets included), and changing bed linens (if you’re working on a liveaboard rather than a day boat). Your food (and accommodation if you’re on a liveaboard) are also included. Be prepared as it is hard work, but so worth it! It’s very easy to apply, you just need to be Open Water certified. Contact various tour companies that go out to the Great Barrier Reef, as it won’t be advertised on their website. Deep Sea Divers Den definitely has a popular Hostie program – the only thing you pay for is your $35 tshirt!
2. Work for a tour company
If you’re on a Working Holiday Visa, consider getting a job on one of the tour boats. You don’t have to be a Dive Master or Marine Biologist, a lot of the companies just require Cruise Attendants – people to look after the customers on board. The only requirement really is that you don’t get sea sick, and speaking a second language is a bonus! When you work for these companies, you’re given “free days,” so on your day off, if there is room on the boat for you, you can head out for free and enjoy all the activities you want. (Or, if you’re as dedicated as Cosmo, go for a quick snorkel on your lunch breaks).

3. Make connections
I didn’t work for a tour company but my partner Cosmo did, so I got mad discounts through him! I met a friend of a friend who knew a skipper for one of the tour companies, and I managed to get a trial work day, which included a snorkel! (Turns out I occasionally get sea sick so I passed on the job). Make friends with people in Cairns, you never know who you’ll meet at the hostel or on the Esplanade. They could be your next ticket to the Great Barrier Reef.
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